Friday, May 8, 2009

:)) glad..

a few years aGo when i turned siXteen..
and it ws then that i decided that i would start putting myseLf out there..
cOz i wasnt abLe to take risk..
my teenage years waiting for my crushes to take notice of me..but they didn't..coz maybe they dont know i have feelings for them or they dont know that i do first i was in denial..
there are times that i always complain to my guy friends about how much its hard to be girL..
the art of waiting..just wait and wait for there crush to notice them..
then they tell me thats it is also hard for them to make ligaw..
But they just didnt know how much hard it is for me to see my crush only from afar..
but unabLe to take risk because it is unheard in our society for a girl to finally make the moVe..
tHen sudduenLy something strucked me..
i would take risk..and let myself fall..if i fail i'LL stand up and try again..
sO there it beGAn..i decided to teLL my crush what i really feel for him..
i had no idea if he liked me too but i didnt care..i told him everything..
i wish i can say it turned out the way i planned it but it went the way i never intended to go..he "REJECTED" me..
our friendship is important for me..
so i found out that we were just friends..
i would stop hoping and finaLLy
find the one for me..
but as of stiLL singLe..
and as of him he has fOund the girL he Loves..
and im happy for hard feelings left in me..
if you would asked me if i would do it agai..
i would definitely do it all over again in a heartbeat..
if i didn't do it..maybe im still pining on him untiL stiLL waiting but WELL now i can say that i moved on..i Left all my feelings for him in the past..
i realized that i was a lot stronger than what i expected i am to be..
i gained self respect..i loved lyself more..
i didn't let myself in silenced..i took stand and faced the consequences..
and it felt great..